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Sun Protection And After-Care With Essential Oils

Sun Protection And After-Care With Essential Oils

woman at the beach

Sun Protection and After-Care

The sun’s light/radiation is vital for life. Not only for plant life, but also for the proper functioning of many systems in our bodies. But being exposed to too much of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation will cause damage, which manifests itself in more or less reddened skin that will, in severe cases, also start to blister. And it can get even worse… the DNA structure may become damaged, the consequence of which is that a high percentage of such cases will turn into malignant growth. Therefore, protection is vital. In case of exposure to very high radiation, or for very long periods of time, you will need to apply one of the commercially available, very-high-SPF-factor lotions. However, for mild to moderate exposure, and for after-sun care, a combination of certain carrier oils and essential oils can be a great choice for two reasons… one, they are all wonderful skin-care oils in their own right, and they will prevent the skin from drying out; and two, because of the overlapping and synergistic properties/benefits of many essential oils they will, at the same time, also have a host of other positive effects on your skin and your general well-being.

Here are some suggestions for a few simple recipes:

Sun Protection Oil:

  • 60ml of Sesame Oil
  • 30ml of Jojoba Oil         
  • 45 drops of Lavender Essential Oil           
  • 15 drops of Carrot Seed Essential Oil     
  • 1 tsp of Vitamin E                                 

After Sun Oil:

  • 60ml of Almond Oil
  • 30ml of Jojoba Oil
  • 20 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 10 drops of Chamomile Roman Essential Oil
  • 5 drops of Geranium Essential Oil
  • 1 tsp of Vitamin E                  

Your scalp and hair will also be greatly affected by sun exposure, here’s a hair & scalp oil recipe that will soothe and nourish both:

  • 60ml of Almond Oil   
  • 30ml of Jojoba Oil   
  • 30 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil 
  • 15 drops of Atlas Cedar Essential Oil                              

Massage this oil into your hair and scalp and leave it in for at least 15 min, and ideally much longer than that, before washing your hair.

Enjoy your sun-protection and after-sun-care oils!

As always: only 100% pure and natural oils must be used in order to be safe, and to achieve positive results. For guaranteed purity and authenticity use STYX oils and PAEOS oils!


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Treating Varicose Veins With Essential Oils – Do They Work?

Treating Varicose Veins With Essential Oils - Do They Work?


Varicose veins are caused by a combination of poor blood circulation, weak connective tissues, and insufficient elasticity of the vein walls. They can be a real problem, not only aesthetically, but also because they can be very painful, and they can also cause severe fatigue.

Therefore, prevention is essential; That means one should exercise regularly and should eat healthy food. Eat as much raw garlic and parsley as you can, but garlic capsules are also fine if you can’t take the raw garlic. Sufficient vitamin E and vitamin C intake is important too.

Compression stockings are of help as well. Furthermore, try to elevate your feet whenever you have an opportunity to do so, ideally at least to head level.

Essential oils can be of great help as well, preventatively, but especially so if you already do have varicose veins. They can be used in a foot bath, or in a massage oil. But caution, never massage the inflamed veins directly, only massage around them! And always massage in the direction of the heart.

The essential oils most useful for this condition are peppermint, cypress, rosemary, lemon, geranium, juniper, lavender, and chamomile blue. Use a base/carrier oil to make a blend with any of the above essential oils (or a mix of them) according to your preference. An example would be: add 30 drops of rosemary, 30 drops of cypress or juniper, 10 drops of lemon, and 10 drops of geranium to 100 ml almond oil or jojoba oil.

For the foot bath (which can be very helpful also for tired and swollen feet), it would be ideal to use two bowls. One with hot water; and one with cold water, into which you put some ice as well. Then add, for example, a few drops of lavender oil to the cold water, put both your feet in and leave them in for a few minutes. After that, add a few drops of geranium to the hot water, put your feet in and leave them in for a few minutes. Once finished, towel off and elevate your feet for at least half an hour.

Following these guidelines consistently over a longer period should yield results. But, as with all aromatherapy applications, it is very important that you only use absolutely pure essential oils and carrier oils… go with oils from STYX and PAEOS!
