PAEOS™ Orange Essential Oil (Wild Growth)


Botanical Name: Citrus aurantium dulcis
Aroma: Fresh, fruity, sweet
Extraction: Cold-pressed
Part of Plant: Peel
Country of Origin: Sicily
Main Constituents: 90% Limonene 2% Myrcene

How to use

Use in a massage oil for cellulite (together with cypress), skin-regeneration,  chapped and over-strained skin.

Can be used as a gargling additive for the daily oral hygiene (1-3 drops of orange oil to a beaker of warm water). Or, as a gargle to prevent inflammation of the gums, for the treatment of mouth ulcers.

When used in the diffuser, it creates a cheerful, friendly atmosphere and helps with stress and insomnia.

For furniture protection against insects. Nothing is more gentle or protective for wooden furniture and instruments than orange oil, swiss pine oil and cypress oil, mixed with jojoba oil.

When used in cosmetics, it has an antiseptic, circulatory, and hydrating effect for dry, brittle, and callous skin. Soothing to dry, irritated, or acne-prone skin. Softens the epidermis and stimulates circulation. Stimulates lymph fluids (helps with swollen tissue).

Important: Please read our Usage & Safety Guidelines before using any oil.