Dealing with Dandruff

The unfortunately very visible dead skin cells on your shoulders are a sign, that something is not right with the health of your scalp/hair.
Commercial products for this problem are in plenty supply, but it is not very likely that they will eliminate the root problem, otherwise these companies would have run out of customers by now.
There is, however, a very good chance of success with home remedies using essential oils. Several essential oils have beneficial properties for this complaint, like e.g., rosemary, thyme, lemon, fennel, cypress, lavender, sage, carrot seed, eucalyptus, peppermint, sandalwood, tea tree.
The best ways to apply them are shampoos, overnight conditioners, and rinse-off treatments or hair packs. Here are some recipes:
Invigorating Healing Shampoo:
- 100 ml neutral wash base
- 20 drops rosemary essential oil
- 10 drops thyme essential oil
- 8 drops sage essential oil
Stimulating Strengthening Shampoo:
- 100 ml neutral wash base
- 8 drops sage essential oil
- 10 drops lemon essential oil
- 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 8 drops peppermint essential oil
- 5 drops fennel essential oil
Overnight conditioner:
- 30 ml cider vinegar
- 6 drops thyme essential oil
- 8 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 8 drops peppermint essential oil
- 5 drops sage essential oil
- 8 drops carrot seed essential oil
Mix these together and put them into 60 ml of mineral water, then use a small amount of this mixture for the massage. Essential oils do not dissolve in water, always shake any essential oil mixture vigorously just before use! It is important that this recipe is as much as possible massaged into the scalp, not into the hair! Leave it in overnight.
Rinse-off hair treatment:
- 50 ml jojoba oil
- 6 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 8 drops tea tree essential oil
- 12 drops rosemary essential oil
Jojoba oil is particularly suitable for this purpose. And it works even better if it is slightly warmed up (to not more than 35°C!). This recipe should be massaged into freshly washed and still damp hair and scalp, and ideally left in for at least one hour. Also, the hair should be covered with a shower cap and a towel, to keep it warm and to keep all the nutrients in. When the time is up, wash the hair again, but this time just with a neutral shampoo!
One of the many good things about essential oils is that you can experiment with many different combinations and ratios, until you have created something that not only helps you, but which also smells very nice.
Enjoy experimenting; but as always, please remember that only truly pure, authentic essential oils will be of any benefit… use only STYX or PAEOS™ essential oils and base oils!
Cheers. Ernst